Güncel Sayı

Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 17.11.2023

Yıl: 2022

Araştırma Makalesi

Journal of Sustainable Economics and Management Studies (ECOMAN) is an international, multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal. ECOMAN will be published twice a year, in June and December. The goal of the Journal is to establish an academic platform for the social sciences including business, economics and management.

Contributing to the production of knowledge and creation of value; be a qualified reference source in academic publishing; and giving priority to ecological, economic and social sustainability are the primary goals of the journal. ECOMAN has international editorial as well advisory boards and only articles in English will be published.

Information For Authors

Author Guidelines

ECOMAN - Ethical Responsibility and Copyright Transfer Form (Ms Word / PDF)

Journal of Sustainable Economics and Management Studies (ECOMAN) is an international peer-reviewed journal and will be issued biannually in June and December. In our About the Journaljournal, scientific articles within the framework of the topics of BUSINESS, ECONOMICS and MANAGEMENT are accepted. There is no Article Processing Charges (APCs) or article submission charges in our journal.

There is no Article Processing Charges (APCs) or article submission charges in our journal.

Journal of Sustainable Economics and Management Studies (ECOMAN)
2718-1065 (Printed ISSN) & 2791-8084 (Electronic ISSN)